Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

Hello All!
Today is Tuesday Tidbit Day where I will post about some interesting, not-so-interesting, and seriously cool stuff.
If you have any ideas to share on Tidbit Tuesday, drop me a line at creedobsessionsinfo@yahoo.ca :)

Today's Tidbit Section is on;

Other than the usual (amazingly brilliant) composer, Jesper Kyd, there is some licensed music in the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood game :)

"We Want War", taken from British band These New Puritans's 2010 album, "Hidden", featured in the E3 multi-player gameplay trailer which debuted on Ubisoft UK's official Assassin's Creed YouTube channel on June 15, 2010.

"Perfect In Between", taken from Canadian musician DJ Champion's 2009 album, "Resistance", featured in the Comic-con multi-player gameplay trailer which debuted on Ubisoft UK's official Assassin's Creed YouTube channel on June 23, 2010.

"Burn My Shadow", taken from British music outfit Unkle's 2007 album, "War Stories", featured in the 'Enter Rome' single-player gameplay trailer which debuted on Ubisoft UK's official Assassin's Creed YouTube channel on September 13, 2010.

Pretty cool, isn't it? I'm looking fore ward to Jesper Kyd's work in the AC2;Brotherhood soundtrack, are you? :)

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