Saturday, September 25, 2010

Assassin's Creed Real Life Videos

After my last post I went searching on Youtube for some clips to show you. And I found these. Because today is Saturday and everybody just wants to relax and chill by the computer, here are some videos to make you laugh, scour at, giggle, and go wide-eyed in horror or amazement.

Altair roams the streets. This is quite interesting around 3:03

This title says "Assassin's Creed 2", but the description says 'Altair'. So, let's watch Altair/ Ezio's New Mission

This here actually has a pretty good idea how to make a Hidden Blade =)Make sure to read the description though, as that's where the information is!

The Assassin's Creed 'Real Hidden Blade'. This is actually quite good, but, kind of creepy.

A homemade Assassin's Creed Movie!!
Part One
Part Two

(If you liked that AC movie, check out the maker's second AC movie; )
Part One
Part Two

I hope enjoyed these few videos for your lazy or busy Saturday morning or afternoon. If you find any videos you would like to share, please email me links at


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